Written by: Dan Patrick, Parent & Guest Blogger
That's right... I was the kid in grade school that had zero stars on the class "Spelling Stars" chart at the end of my 4th-grade year. To give some perspective, this chart was large, colorful and hung proudly next to the door for everyone to see. Each week, a spelling test consisting of 20 words was given to the class. If you spelled all 20 correctly, you received a nice, shiny gold star next to your name.At the end of the year, a few kids had 34-36 stars. This gave them supreme bragging

rights (we affectionately called them nerds). The majority of my classmates had somewhere between 15-30 stars and a few "not so gifted and talented" kids only had 5-10 stars. And there I was, dead last with exactly zero stars. I remember feeling like the dumbest kid in the world.Well, the story ends well. I recognized that I had strengths in math and science and eventually learned that I wasn't dumb, but that I needed to figure out how I learned.
Poor Spelling is often a Sign of Dyslexia or other Learning Disabilities
Unfortunately, some are not so lucky. Researchers believe that 15-20% of the population is affected by dyslexia, with the top 10% being severe enough to need some type of learning intervention and other supports and accommodations. Dyslexia is a learning disability that is neurobiological in origin and is considered a language acquisition disorder that primarily affects reading fluency, spelling, and reading words in isolation. There are many other symptoms of dyslexia and they persist despite having quality teachers, caring and involved parents and regular school attendance.
Spelling Instruction that Makes Sense!
This leads us to the reason for this post. In addition to one-on-one online and in-person instruction, Read Learning Educational Services, LLC offers professional development courses on systematic and multi-sensory spelling instruction using the
Silver Moon® Spelling Rules program. The
most recent course offering is designed for educators, private practitioners and dyslexia specialists and answers 5 key questions:
- What are the 3 Foundational skills required to build strong spellers and readers?
- How do I teach spelling in a simultaneously multi-sensory manner?
- What spelling rules do I teach and in what order?
- Which syllables and what division rules need to be taught in the Silver Moon® Spelling system?
- What are the components of a Silver Moon® Spelling Rules lesson?
For more information, contact Kelly at KSteinke@Readlearningservices.com.